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Visualize, share and convey your idea by BenQ ideaCam

Visualized × Share × Convey Your Idea

Webcam × Document Camera × Marcoscope

An All-in-one Webcam

BenQ ideacam, an all-in-one webcam

Enhance Workplace Collaboration with Effective Communication

Instantli convey and discuss creativity

Instantly Convey and Discuss Creativity

Elevate development quality precision

Elevate Development Quality Precision

Empowering conversations through eye contact

Empowering Conversations through Eye Contact


Professional Audio-Visual Expertise

Smart noise cancellation

Smart Noise Cancellation

ideaCam built-in microphone with AI noise canceling ensuring your voice is heard with clarity during online meetings.

Powerd by Sony sensor

Powered by Sony Sensor

Share the details with the 8 Megapixel Sony COMS Image Sensor


Unleashes Your Productivity with BenQ EnSpire

From online meetings to offline idea recordings.BenQ EnSpire is a powerful presentation tool that works seamlessly on popular platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Skype.

BenQ EnSpire
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