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Page updated: May 2020
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See list of performance and advertising cookies
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These cookies are used to track your activity on the BenQ website and other websites across the Internet, help measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaign and deliver advertisements that are more relevant to you and your interests. We use various advertising partners, including Amazon, Facebook, and Google. These cookies and other technologies capture data like your IP address, when you viewed the page or email, what device you were using and where you were. You can find out how to avoid them below.
See list of performance and advertising cookies
We use cookies and similar technologies to process personal information for the operation of our website, statistical analysis, and providing targeted advertising. We share information about your use of the site with our advertising partners who may further share it with additional parties. You may opt out of performance cookies here, and learn more about how we use cookies here”
1. 電子黒板のホーム画面で, 両端にある矢印のいずれかをタップ
2. をタップ
Duo Windowsモードになります。
アプリ画面が表示されます。利用可能なアプリやファイル、Duo Windowsに対応している外部入力を選択してください。
Option |
Description |
Option Apps | Description This window displays all apps installed on the display. |
Option Files | Description This window displays all files locally stored on the display. |
Option Source | Description This window displays all external sources connected to the display, such as laptops or the slot-in PC. |
3. まず一つのアプリ、または外部入力を2秒間タップし画面の左右いずれかにドラッグします。
4. もう一つのアプリをタップしホールド、または外部入力を2秒間タップし、3でドラッグしなかった方の画面にドラッグします。
5. オプション: 下記のいずれかを行ってください。
Other tasks |
Steps |
Other tasks Resize the windows | Steps Tap and hold the black bar, and then drag it either left or right. |
Other tasks Replace an app | Steps 1. Tap either of the side arrows. The quick access menu appears. 2. Tap The Apps window appears. 3. Tap and hold an app, file, or source for two seconds, and then drag it to the window of the app being replaced. |
Other tasks Switch app windows | Steps Tap |
Other tasks Close Duo Windows | Steps Tap |
RP8602, 【生産終了】BenQ Board RP6502|オフィス向け, 【生産終了】BenQ Board RP6502|教育・学校向け, 【生産終了】BenQ Board RP7502|オフィス向け, 【生産終了】BenQ Board RP7502|教育・学校向け, 【生産終了】BenQ Board RP8602|教育・学校向け