Chaeum Korea Academy improves teaching flow with BenQ Boards
  • BenQ
  • 2022-05-18

About the School

“Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to improve student test performance in subjects such as Korean, English, and Math,” says Noh Young-jin, CEO of Chaeum Korea Academy (CUKA). Established in 2019, the academy has quickly become a go-to College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) training institution for first-to-third-year high school students in Gwangju, South Korea.

“Our academy has more than twenty top-notch lecturers,” says Noh, explaining how CUKA’s teaching staff prepares students via specialized classes and mock exams. Their facilities currently include three classrooms for teacher-led learning sessions and a study hall for self-paced learning.

The Challenge

CUKA wanted to upgrade their learning spaces before the start of the new semester. Previously, the teaching staff relied on analog tools such as blackboards and printouts for their classes. But as more and more students enrolled at the academy, they soon realized that this setup was no longer sustainable. Noh and his staff were well aware that today’s students are now more tech-literate and believed that their medium of instruction must be adjusted accordingly to suit these learners’ needs.

“We needed to upgrade our old analog system to one that is better suited for students who are now more used to digital devices,” Noh explains. “Using multimedia in lectures makes them engaging. It creates opportunities for more meaningful interactions in class.”

BenQ Solutions

After careful deliberation, the staff at CUKA decidedly went with the BenQ Board Pro and BenQ Board Master as their edtech solutions. From a management standpoint, a few things automatically stood out.

“We found the ClassroomCare features impressive,” says Noh, noting how they help make their classrooms safer and more conducive for learning. He continues by saying how the interactive displays prove useful in their staff meetings.

“The BenQ Board features have definitely improved the continuity of my lectures.”

The Results

“The BenQ Board features have definitely improved the continuity of my lectures,” says Song Ji-hwan, a teacher at CUKA. He explains that since all the lesson tools and materials he needs are already accessible on the interactive display, he’s able to reallocate the time and effort he used to spend in creating and distributing handouts into actual teaching.

“Before, there were just too many things to prepare that it would sometimes disrupt the flow of my lectures,” Song says. “But now, the BenQ Board allows me to open files on the screen and write on them directly. If I need to add more details, I can open EZWrite and use the other tools there.”

“My students can pay more attention to class rather than note-taking. It’s very efficient.”

Song is also fond of the BenQ Board’s split screen feature as it lets him load reference materials while whiteboarding. Previously, he had to keep switching between his laptop and the blackboard.

As for his students, Song says they are able to concentrate on what matters: “The BenQ Board allows me to save my sessions as PDF files or share them via QR code. My students can pay more attention to class rather than note-taking. It’s very efficient.”