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4 Tips for Collecting Meaningful Design Feedback from Your Clients

  • BenQ
  • 2017-11-09

Getting creative content and design right requires knowing your clients’ likes and dislikes, tastes, preferences, and more. With these best practices and the right collaborative tools in place, you can make the client feedback process fast and efficient- saving everyone time and money.

Restate the Goal of the Design

Before you begin the feedback process, restate the goals of the project. This gives clients a reference point to fine-tune advice and revisions into actionable results for you. For specific feedback, such as a particular design detail, state this at the beginning of the meeting to keep the discussion focused and cert.

Use Google Jamboard to start the process by simply writing the goal down at the top of the digital whiteboard. Even if you scribble this on the board, rest assured your clients will be able to read it once the board’s Handwriting Brush feature turns your script into block text.

Use the Right Channel to Ask for Design Feedback

Though email is commonly used to communicate with clients, it’s difficult for design feedback. It’s hard to show the details of the design or put your thoughts into words, or explain the specific the type of feedback you’re hoping for. It can also be hard for clients to clearly state what they want from your design as well.

Using technology such as Google Jamboard makes it easy to visually share your ideas with clients by scheduling in-person meetings to show your design ideas. Easily move the board around your office, setting up the meeting in your own office or a large conference room. If your client can’t meet in -person, set up a virtual meeting by scheduling a Google Hangouts call, then present your ideas using Jamboard shared with the client Google Jamboard screen. He or she can join the meeting and add notes to the board via a smart device, making it easy for you to get feedback instantly.

Be Specific When Asking for Feedback

Avoid vague and generic questions such as “What do you think of this design?” Instead, go point by point throughout the design. Ask your clients how they like the colors, shapes, font, and other similar details. Using Google Jamboard, ask your clients to make notes on each design decision, adding a virtual sticky note next to each feature they want to revise. Then, use that specific feedback to make changes to the design, all without having to guess what the client wants.

Provide Support for Your Design Choices

As you present your design, make sure to tell a story that shows why you made the design decisions you did. Walk your clients through the reasons for each choice, explaining how each detail meets the goals of the project. Mention any user testing you have conducted, showing how your design choices improve the user experience or conversion rate. Ask clients for feedback after you present each design detail you present and explain your reasonings with annotations on Jamboard. You’ll be able to provide answered questions, items to change, and confidence in your design. By updating and noting changes to design in real time, you’ll cut down on the number of additional revisions and make the process more focused for faster completion.

Creative teams need a practical yet stylish way to collaborate not only from within, but with clients. Google Jamboard streamlines the process, making the most of design feedback and client engagement. If you’re interested in learning more about how Google Jamboard can help smoothen the design process, feel free to contact us today .