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X300G Reviews


" X300G meets its aims of providing a compact projector suitable for console gaming and, as expected, more general entertainment. Casually plonk it down anywhere in the home – it is very easy to set up."


" X300G not only provides gamers with three distinct gaming picture modes – RPG, SPG, and FPS, but it also allows users to fine-tune their image further with HDR Brightness and Details Adjustment options."


"It is an extremely capable gaming projector, I would highly recommend this to anyone wanting a big gaming console experience"


"The BenQ X300G combines easy setup with true 4K resolution to truly nail the move to portable play."


"This gaming projector is very worth it as it helps enhance my gaming experience, this is especially true as I can use my dedicated gaming room and have a huge screen to play with."


"I think it is a great portable projector option, I am going to take it with me wherever I can, all you go to do is find a blank wall, you have a little theater in a box right there with you."


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