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BenQ Launches New W1090 Home Projector

Sport Mode Brings Every Player, Goal, and Blade of Grass to Life


Sydney,   Australia, 13th September 2016 – BenQ, the   internationally recognised innovator of digital lifestyle products and a   worldwide leader in home projection technology, today sets a new standard for   viewing sports in the comfort of one’s living room — the W1090   projector.  The W1090 featuring Sport   Modes takes the thrill of watching the big game out of the   sports bars and into fans’ homes with 100 inches of crystal-clear 1080p   high-definition enhanced with Waves audio, making every detail more life-like   and realistic. Bringing this realism home is easy thanks to the W1090’s   simple installation, short-throw projection with 100 inches at 2.5 meters,   1.3x zoom, and MHL connectivity.

 Sport Mode Brings Every   Player, Every Goal, Every Blade of Grass to Life

When   it comes to winning performance, the W1090 fields an impressive list of   features, led by a powerful pair of Sports Modes to improve both video and   audio performance. Sport Picture Mode blends digital picture   enhancements with stunning colour reproduction that puts viewers inside the   action. Colours are more lively and lifelike, while image details are crisper   and clearer right down to the blades of grass under the player’s feet. Sport   Sound Mode transports viewers to the heart of the cheering crowd where   they can hear the crack of the ball on the bat and the swish of the net.

 Brilliant Audiovisual   Performance in 1080p

The   W1090 delivers Full HD 1080p image quality for sharper visuals, making it   perfect not just for viewing high-definition sports broadcasts, but also   enjoying Blu-ray videos and movies. The result is picture-perfect   high-contrast quality without downscaling or compression. The projector’s   turbo-charged RGBRGB colour wheel boasts 6X speed and BrilliantColortm Technology   to take colour depth to the limit for incomparable brilliance and   clarity.  The W1090 also puts your ears inside the action with its   built-in 10-watt speaker housed in a resonant sound chamber and boosted by   BenQ’s own Audio Enhancer — powered by MaxxAudio.

 Easy and Flexible   Installation

Bringing   such an immersive experience out of the sports bar and into the living room   might seem a tricky task, but the W1090 is surprisingly easy to set up and   operate. The projector’s 1.15 throw rate means that users can achieve a 100”   picture size with the projector situated just 2.5 meters from the viewing   surface. The vertical keystone and 1.3x zoom perfectly adjusts and aligns the   picture at any angle or distance. An intuitive, user-friendly interface makes   operations a snap, even for those with no prior projector experience.

 User-Friendly Connectivity

As   with any pro athlete, flexibility is the key to peak performance and the   W1090 is no different. The projector features a USB type-A power supply   connector for effortless operation and device charging. The W1090 also   supports MHL-enabled devices through an MHL connector. Standard   high-definition video sources can be connected via two HDMI inputs. An   optional FHD kit adds further flexibility with wireless connectivity. 

 Sports   fans have a new reason to cheer. The BenQ W1090 home entertainment sports   projector puts them right where the action is in their own living rooms,   making it easier than ever to catch every hit, block, kick, or goal in 1080p   detail.

Please   visit   for more   information.

 MSRP: $1149

New Lamp Price RRP $149