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Sony Global Imaging Ambassador Mark Galer’s experience at CP+ 2019 in Japan with BenQ


CP+ 2019 hosted its annual Camera and Photo Images Exhibition in Yokohama, Japan. The convention showcased the latest photography products and technologies during February 28 to March 1, 2019.

The convention provides amateur photographers and professionals information on the latest gadgets, demonstration and workshops. At this year BenQ booth, BenQ focused on its Colour Accurate product line, including its soon-to-be release, PD3220U, a wide colour P3 monitor to assist Mac-User and the “Accurate Colour on The Go™” (‘ACOG’) system.

On the left we have the new ACOG system and on the right, the soon-to-be release PD3220U. 
The queue at the BenQ booth. Models on display includes: SW240 with ACOG prototype system, SW2700PT, SW271, PV270 and PD3220U. 

To accompany the SW240 Colour Accurate Monitor, BenQ has been developing an ACOG system since August 2018. The system includes a Hard Carry Case, Soft Case, Battery Pack, Soft Shading Hood and Tripod Mount. This ACOG system ensures easy transportation, set up and the ability to shoot and immediately assess focus and colour of your work while you’re on the field or in the studio.

While BenQ are still refining the ACOG system further, BenQ Australia invited Jeremy Daalder, owner of Image Science and Mark Galer, the Sony Global Imaging and Adobe Ambassador to join BenQ Australia’s team in Japan to conduct field-test on the latest revision of ACGO system with the BenQ’s SW240 Colour Accurate Monitor, to see if it meets their expectations.

Mark Galer performed a model shoot at Sensō-ji and Sumidagawa Line in Tokyo, Japan , using BenQ’s SW240 monitor and the ACOG system.

According the Mark, “It certainly makes a huge difference to be able to use a full-size high-resolution colour-accurate monitor to be able to discuss the creative concept, composition and final editing using Lightroom and Photoshop CC, rather than having numerous creatives standing around a small laptop screen (or even worse – the back of the camera).”

The below images were taken by Mark in Yokohama with the assistance of BenQ’s SW240 Monitor and ACGO system.


As a Sony Global Imaging Ambassador, Mark was also keen to visit the Sony stand to see the newly announced FE 135mm F/1.8 lens that was on show for the first time. According to Mark, “Sony’s stand was perhaps the biggest at CP+2019 and Sony provided a shooting station and two models so attendees could try out their new 135mm f/1.8 GM lens. “ For more details about his experience with Sony Stand at CP+2019, please visit


To learn more from Mark Galer for his experience with BenQ ACOG system, check out:

To discuss how to transform your workflow, please contact Jeremy Daalder from Image Science

For more info on BenQ Colour Accurate Monitors, check out:

To register your interest for further news on the BenQ ACOG system, please visit: