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Are You Using Secure Hybrid Meeting Solutions?

  • BenQ
  • 2021-03-26

In the age of growing hybrid work, privacy and security likewise face increasing challenges and a more important place in the collaborative process of businesses and organizations. Smart meetings require extensive cloud access, and thus cloud security. The same degree of security applies to the devices and networks used in remote and hybrid work models. Since interactive displays stand as among the most useful technologies underpinning hybrid work, when you choose which ones to purchase, clearly security and privacy must be top priorities. 

Security in the time of a pandemic

COVID-19’s impact on human society remains to be fully understood, but for sure it has accelerated many changes in the way we work. Businesses and organizations everywhere have turned to remote interaction, and all remote means of communication depend on networks, apps, and devices obviously. So, with the rise of supposedly hybrid meeting solutions, we’ve also seen an increase in potential threats to privacy and confidentiality. And indeed, you’ve probably noticed the growing frequency of leaks and unsolicited disclosures that have come out because people are using “civilian” grade tools to carry out enterprise-class interactions. 

According to respected source GlobalNewswire , COVID-19 created a rush to create innovative solutions to accommodate remote, hybrid, and virtual participation. Everyone tried their best, but lacking experience, many businesses settled for less than ideal fixes. Unless professionally and properly secured, new tools may expose your intellectual property to unforeseen risks, compromise network security, and allow all kinds of intrusions, from snooping to outright data theft.

Three pillars of secure meeting solutions

When implementing new solutions for flexible work and meeting arrangements, you need to prepare and ensure you’re protected against external malicious parties and internal misconduct as best as possible. We’re basing our observations in part on recommendations made by Gartner. Let’s take a look at the trio of foundations that help make your environment more conducive to secure and confidential work.

Secure cloud infrastructure: the leading set of standards regulating cloud access and usage security is ISO/IEC 27001. All cloud-related tools, apps, and devices should be ISO/IEC 27001 compliant and certified to help ensure your content and interactions are secured as they pass through online (or cloud) platforms. If compliant with ISO/IEC 27001, solutions protect data, respond to threats, and help you recover content should it be stolen or otherwise misappropriated. You also gain good governance practices, with better defined permission levels that make sure the right stakeholders have access to the correct content.

Remote and hybrid working

Secure networks for content in transit: every solution you consider must support single sign-on to enable what’s known as certificate-based binding. Don’t employ solutions without this capability. Additionally, your network provider and networking hardware should feature TLS (Transport Layer Security) version 1.3 or 1.2 as well as Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) to provide strong encryption and protection for networked data.

Client-end application security and data protection: Solutions must offer full compatibility with the security features of Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. Any overly-customized and irregular solution should be approached with caution, as compatibility and seamless integration are key.

For the sake of confidentiality, solutions should allow you to pre-authorize devices so that only those may join a meeting. That measure greatly minimizes the risk of snooping and unauthorized recording of meeting contents.

Firewalls and anti-virus routines must be included to block malware, intrusions, and various snooping or spying attempts, and to keep users from accidentally wandering off into harmful sites. Good measures protect everyone, not just the enterprise, but also every participant and their devices.

Where we come in

With BenQ, organizational and corporate security is taken very seriously and gains from our own experiences as a company. BenQ provides end-to-end solutions which offer multiple levels of securities, form individual devices to cloud infrastructure.

On a closing note, always remember to balance security with ease of use. You don’t want your team members grappling with complex tools that require extensive training, as that compromises team moral and diminishes productivity.