Un dispositivo USB o dongle no funciona o interfiere con otros dispositivos USB al azar. ¿Cómo puedo hacer que funcionen correctamente?
Se ha descubierto que USB 3.0 causa interferencias que pueden dificultar el rendimiento de los dispositivos inalámbricos cercanos en la banda de 2,4 GHz, incluidos los dispositivos de RF, Wi-Fi y Bluetooth.
Para dispositivos inalámbricos en el rango de 2,4 GHz, sugerimos usar el puerto USB en la E/S frontal. Si el manual del dispositivo conectado recomienda un puerto USB diferente, siga estas guías.
Para obtener más detalles, consulte el siguiente documento técnico de Intel.
Why can't I pair my IAM (Identity and Access Management) account with AMS (Account Management System), DMS (Device Management Solution), or X-Sign Broadcast?
Currently, AMS, DMS, and X-Sign Broadcast may all only be paired to one unified IAM admin account. If different IAM admin accounts are used, pairing will fail. For example, if DMS is paired already to an IAM account, you won't be able to pair AMS or X-Sign Broadcast with a new IAM account unless other BenQ services (EX: DMS) are deleted. In essence, AMS, DMS, and X-Sign go together with one IAM account and all need to be unpaired to switch IAM account association.
If you would like to pair software with a new IAM account, please delete the devices in associated BenQ services (DMS, AMS, Broadcast) from the corresponding web site. If other BenQ services are deleted but still encounter a pairing issue, please record the MAC address and contact your local BenQ service center for further assistance.
Why can't I download OTA (over the air) updates for X-Sign Player?
If you've previously used OTA update for X-Sign Player and cancelled it during the download process, you will need to delete the previously downloaded file stored in the "Download" folder of your operating system prior to carrying out a new OTA update.
Why is there a rectangular box on the lower-right part of the screen? Can I remove it?
This is the new app storage visual area in our launcher, and you may put frequently used apps inside the box. The box cannot be removed.
¿Por qué no se puede agregar una pantalla a DMS Local?
¿Por qué no se puede encender la unidad con DMS Local?
1. Asegúrese de que la configuración WOL (Wake-on-LAN) sea compatible con este modelo y esté habilitada en la pantalla.
2. Asegúrese de que la pantalla esté conectada a la red a través del puerto LAN (RJ-45). Wake-on-LAN no funciona a través de una conexión Wi-Fi.
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¿Dónde puedo encontrar el registro para X-Sign player 2.x en Windows?
Siga la ruta a continuación para encontrar el archivo de registro:
(1) Vaya a C:\Users\User name\AppData\Local\BenQ\XSignPlayer
(2) Seleccione \BenQ\
(3) Seleccione \cache\
(4) Seleccione \crash\
(5) Seleccione \data\
(6) Seleccione \log\
(7) Seleccione "XSign.env"
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