
Corporate Interactive Flat Panel Display | RP6501K

RP8601K is designed to tap into the dynamic possibilities of the classroom and help teachers build a healthy.


What options/functions can be controlled by DMS Local?
The DMS Local software allows you to remotely control/monitor your displays via LAN. It's an effective way to lower TCO (total cost of ownership) and energy consumption for your operation. This video will show you the function of DMS Local.
معرفة المزيد
How do I delete/unbind the device from DMS Cloud?
If you would like to delete/unbind the device from DMS Cloud, please follow the demo video for detailed steps.
معرفة المزيد
لماذا لا يمكنني الإرسال إلى إنستاشير 2؟

يرجى اتباع الخطوات التالية:

1. تأكد من أن تطبيق/برنامج العميل مخصص لـ إنستاشير 2.
2. تأكد من تمكين المنافذ المطلوبة لتشغيل InstaShare 2.
3. تأكد من أن تطبيق/برنامج العميل والمضيف الموجودين على شاشة العرض من بينكيو متصلان بنفس الشبكة.
4. عندما يكون تطبيق/برنامج العميل والمضيف الموجودان على شاشة العرض من بينكيو متصلين بشبكات محلية افتراضية (VLAN) مختلفة، تأكد من أن شبكة المدرسة/المؤسسة تدعم الاتصال بين vLAN.

معرفة المزيد
How do I add a device by using QR code for DMS Cloud?
A device must be added first in order to remotely monitor, control, and configure devices individually or as groups. Please follow the demo video to add device using QR code for DMS Cloud.
معرفة المزيد
ما اللغات المتوفرة في واجهة إنستاشير 2 حاليًا؟

يدعم إنستاشير 2 28 لغة.

معرفة المزيد
Why does it show "Display ID is invalid" when I tried to register EasySetting with my device?
Please make sure to check the followings:
(1) Is the network working properly? Make sure to use LAN instead of Wi-Fi for internet access.
(2) Make sure EasySetting whitelist is set up already.
معرفة المزيد
Where can I download InstaShare App for Android/iOS/Windows/MAC OS?
Please refer to the following download sites for the app:
- Android phone/tablet: Search for "InstaShare" in Google Play and download the app.
- iOS phone/tablet: Search for "InstaShare" in the App Store and download the app.
- Windows/MAC: Follow the below steps to download the app from IFP:
(1) Ensure both IFP and PC are connected to the same network.
(2) Open IFP InstaShare app.
(3) Follow InstaShare instructions to download the app.
معرفة المزيد
How do I connect with InstaShare?
InstaShare software is designed to allow seamless wireless presentation and collaboration, utilising smooth streaming of both audio files and Full HD videos. Users can also mirror and control all digital content across their devices including BenQ IFPs, PCs, tablets, and smartphones, empowering contributors to enrich their sessions with a variety of multimedia resources. Here is the step by step tutorial for connecting your device with InstaShare.
معرفة المزيد
How can I clean my screen without damaging it?
As our IFP (Interactive Flat Panel) is covered with glass on the panel module, it is actually safe to clean it with alcohol-based wipes. However, please make no liquid reaches the IR sensor located between the glass screen and the bezel.
معرفة المزيد
Why is it required to install the "Eumus Design Sound Cards & Media Devices" during the InstaShare installation process?
"Eumus Design Sound Cards & Media Devices" is a virtual audio card. As there are too many audio cards on the market with support for different Windows versions (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and even older versions), in order to avoid compatibility issues with InstaShare, installing a virtual audio driver can solve any audio issues that you may experience while using InstaShare.
معرفة المزيد
How do I add a device by using unique ID for DMS Cloud?
A device must be added first in order to remotely monitor, control, and configure devices individually or as groups. Please follow the demo video to add a device using unique ID for DMS Cloud.
معرفة المزيد
How do I use DMS Cloud to control the device remotely?
Devices can be controlled remotely in DMS Cloud. Please follow the demo video for detail steps.
معرفة المزيد
لماذا يتم إيقاف تشغيل Wi-Fi تلقائيًا بعد أن أقوم بتبديل مصدر الإدخال؟
نقترح استخدام دونجل واي فاي عبر منفذ USB الموجود في الجزء الخلفي من الجهاز، والمميز على أنه مخصص لهذا الدور. لا تخزن جميع منافذ USB 3.0 الأخرى إعدادات Wi-Fi وتقوم ببساطة بضبطها بناءً على مصدر الإدخال، مما يؤدي إلى إعادة تعيين حالة Wi-Fi. تم تصميم المنفذ المخصص للحفاظ على استقرار إعدادات Wi-Fi. <إدراج صورة>PDP_WiFi USB>
معرفة المزيد

Further Query

Why can't I set up an email account on the unit using my personal Gmail address?
Most likely the app used has been tagged as not secure by Gmail and is therefore blocked. Please follow the steps below to lower Gmail's security level, as most product-bundled apps don't support new Gmail authentication requirements. This does not mean the app presents a security risk.
Go to Google Account > Security > Less secure app access > Change it to ""ON"" to lower security level.
What options/functions can be controlled by DMS Local?
The DMS Local software allows you to remotely control/monitor your displays via LAN. It's an effective way to lower TCO (total cost of ownership) and energy consumption for your operation. This video will show you the function of DMS Local.
معرفة المزيد
How do I delete/unbind the device from DMS Cloud?
If you would like to delete/unbind the device from DMS Cloud, please follow the demo video for detailed steps.
معرفة المزيد
لماذا لا يمكنني الإرسال إلى إنستاشير 2؟

يرجى اتباع الخطوات التالية:

1. تأكد من أن تطبيق/برنامج العميل مخصص لـ إنستاشير 2.
2. تأكد من تمكين المنافذ المطلوبة لتشغيل InstaShare 2.
3. تأكد من أن تطبيق/برنامج العميل والمضيف الموجودين على شاشة العرض من بينكيو متصلان بنفس الشبكة.
4. عندما يكون تطبيق/برنامج العميل والمضيف الموجودان على شاشة العرض من بينكيو متصلين بشبكات محلية افتراضية (VLAN) مختلفة، تأكد من أن شبكة المدرسة/المؤسسة تدعم الاتصال بين vLAN.

معرفة المزيد
How do I add a device by using QR code for DMS Cloud?
A device must be added first in order to remotely monitor, control, and configure devices individually or as groups. Please follow the demo video to add device using QR code for DMS Cloud.
معرفة المزيد
ما اللغات المتوفرة في واجهة إنستاشير 2 حاليًا؟

يدعم إنستاشير 2 28 لغة.

معرفة المزيد
Why does it show "Display ID is invalid" when I tried to register EasySetting with my device?
Please make sure to check the followings:
(1) Is the network working properly? Make sure to use LAN instead of Wi-Fi for internet access.
(2) Make sure EasySetting whitelist is set up already.
معرفة المزيد
Where can I download InstaShare App for Android/iOS/Windows/MAC OS?
Please refer to the following download sites for the app:
- Android phone/tablet: Search for "InstaShare" in Google Play and download the app.
- iOS phone/tablet: Search for "InstaShare" in the App Store and download the app.
- Windows/MAC: Follow the below steps to download the app from IFP:
(1) Ensure both IFP and PC are connected to the same network.
(2) Open IFP InstaShare app.
(3) Follow InstaShare instructions to download the app.
معرفة المزيد
How do I connect with InstaShare?
InstaShare software is designed to allow seamless wireless presentation and collaboration, utilising smooth streaming of both audio files and Full HD videos. Users can also mirror and control all digital content across their devices including BenQ IFPs, PCs, tablets, and smartphones, empowering contributors to enrich their sessions with a variety of multimedia resources. Here is the step by step tutorial for connecting your device with InstaShare.
معرفة المزيد
How can I clean my screen without damaging it?
As our IFP (Interactive Flat Panel) is covered with glass on the panel module, it is actually safe to clean it with alcohol-based wipes. However, please make no liquid reaches the IR sensor located between the glass screen and the bezel.
معرفة المزيد
Why is it required to install the "Eumus Design Sound Cards & Media Devices" during the InstaShare installation process?
"Eumus Design Sound Cards & Media Devices" is a virtual audio card. As there are too many audio cards on the market with support for different Windows versions (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and even older versions), in order to avoid compatibility issues with InstaShare, installing a virtual audio driver can solve any audio issues that you may experience while using InstaShare.
معرفة المزيد
How do I add a device by using unique ID for DMS Cloud?
A device must be added first in order to remotely monitor, control, and configure devices individually or as groups. Please follow the demo video to add a device using unique ID for DMS Cloud.
معرفة المزيد
How do I use DMS Cloud to control the device remotely?
Devices can be controlled remotely in DMS Cloud. Please follow the demo video for detail steps.
معرفة المزيد
لماذا يتم إيقاف تشغيل Wi-Fi تلقائيًا بعد أن أقوم بتبديل مصدر الإدخال؟
نقترح استخدام دونجل واي فاي عبر منفذ USB الموجود في الجزء الخلفي من الجهاز، والمميز على أنه مخصص لهذا الدور. لا تخزن جميع منافذ USB 3.0 الأخرى إعدادات Wi-Fi وتقوم ببساطة بضبطها بناءً على مصدر الإدخال، مما يؤدي إلى إعادة تعيين حالة Wi-Fi. تم تصميم المنفذ المخصص للحفاظ على استقرار إعدادات Wi-Fi. <إدراج صورة>PDP_WiFi USB>
معرفة المزيد