Blended Learning Adalah Masa Depan Pendidikan? Is Your School Ready?
  • BenQ
  • 2020-03-26

Benefits of Blended Learning

Blended Learning adalah pendekatan pendidikan yang menggabungkan kelas online dan tatap muka. Pada tahun 2019, setengah dari seluruh kelas K-12 akan menerima pembelajaran secara online.


Students perform better

76% of educators believe blended learning helps students perform better and half of the schools have already adopted this approach.


Encourage to express oneself

Over 60% of students feel more comfortable expressing themselves in classrooms that use blended learning. This approach can also improve their test scores.


Reduce school costs

70% of schools have reduced costs by moving their teaching admin system and data sharing to the cloud.

What is Important When Adopting Blended Learning?


Better utilize your smart tools

Hampir dua dari tiga guru menggunakan teknologi di ruang kelas setiap hari. Alat bantu pintar dapat menciptakan lingkungan Blended Learning yang lebih baik dan menghemat lebih dari 10 menit di setiap kelas.


Streamline online and offline learning

80% siswa yang terlibat dalam survei mengatakan sering menggunakan teknologi saat belajar. Apakah kelas di sekolah Anda kompatibel dengan perangkat siswa?


A cloud-base solution

Hampir 70% lembaga pendidikan tinggi Amerika Utara telah mengadopsi sistem berbasis cloud yang menyederhanakan administrasi dan kolaborasi.

Blended learning is hugely beneficial to the modern student and should therefore be part of any classroom to make the most of the time spent with pupils. BenQ Smart Projectors are the ideal partner as they allow you to quickly pull down the documents you need, present them to your students, and actively engage them to learn using their own devices.