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Chris Nicholson
Night photography / USA

​Chris is a professional photographer, presenter and book author who is obsessed and specialized in outdoor night photography.

With that pair of outdoor and photography influences from his family, it’s no surprise that Chris was drawn to nature photography as an adult, and to the national parks to pursue that endeavor. He made his first trip to a national park (Carlsbad Caverns) when he was 1 year old, with (of course) his parents. In the four-plus decades since, he has visited more than half of the other parks. He cherishes wild places not just as photography subjects, but as pockets of nature the way it all once was. They represent what the world was before we, as a species, changed it so dramatically.

As much as he loves visiting and photographing the national parks, I also love sharing that passion with others. He regularly lectures at the B&H Event Space in New York City. Chris has also been a featured presenter at the OPTIC Imaging Conference presented by B&H and Lindblad Expeditions, at the PhotoPlus International Conference and Expo, and for the Sierra Club. He also gets to edit books for National Parks Traveler, to appear on podcasts about photography and the national parks, and so on.

The inspiration to share this passion also led him to write Photographing National Parks, which was released by Sidelight Books in 2015. Chis is always eager to share knowledge about photography, to share opinions about the parks, and to share experiences in these great spaces.

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