My projector is suffering auto shutdown, what can I do?

Two reasons this may be happening:
1. Indicator "Lamp" lights - The light bulb or lighter may be damaged or causing problems.
2. Indicator "Temp" lights - Alert from the temperate control section. Might be because the fan has stopped spinning or the temperature is too high.

Modèles applicables

DX819ST, GP10, GP20, JOYBEE GP2, LW61ST, LX60ST, MS504, MS521, MS616ST, MW767, MW820ST, MW821ST, MW851UST, MW870UST, MX805ST, MX819ST, MX822ST, MX850UST, SH940, SH960, SX914, W1500, W7000+, MW523, MW663, MW721, MW817ST, MX600, MX522, MX661, MX618ST, MX720, MX703, MX766, MX722, MX816ST, MX815ST, S30, SH910, SP840, SP920P, W1070, W1080ST, 3D GLASSES - DP2, 3D GLASSES - DC4, 3D GLASSES, 3D GLASSES - DP3, GP10 DVD PLAYER, CEILINGMOUNTCM00G2, MS502, MH680, MW519, MX503, MX505, MX518, MX520, MX522P, MX620ST, MX662, POINTDRAW 3, PW01, QPRESENTER-ANDROID, QPRESENTER-IPHONE, W750, W770ST, W1300, W1400, WDAM2120, WDRT8192, MS517, MS521P, MS619ST, 0.3 WALL MOUNT-WM03G2, 0.3 WALL MOUNT-WM03G3, 0.4 WALL MOUNT-WM04G2, 0.4 WALL MOUNT-WM04G3, 0.6 WALL MOUNT-WM06G2, 0.6 WALL MOUNT-WM06G3, GP3, MW621ST, W7500, SX912, SP870, CEILING MOUNT-CM00G1, EP5920, MP525P, MP575, MP615P, MP776, MP780 ST, MP780ST+, MS510, MS513, MS612ST, MS614, MW516, MW712, MW811ST, MW814ST, MW860USTI, MX501, MX511, MX514, MX613ST, MX615, MX660, MX660P, MX701, MX710, MX711, MX717, MX763, MX764, MX810ST, MX812ST, MX813ST, WIRELESS DONGLE, SP890, SP891, W1060, W1100, W1200, W6000, W7000, W710ST, MX716

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