How do I clean the lens?

Avoid wiping lens with abbrasive materials that may scratch the lens surface. Also using non approved liquids and solvents may effect the special coating on lens surface. Gently blowing air to remove dust on lens and using a microfiber cloth is a safe method.

Modèles applicables

DX819ST, GP10, GP20, JOYBEE GP2, LW61ST, LX60ST, MS504, MS521, MS616ST, MW767, MW820ST, MW821ST, MW851UST, MW870UST, MX805ST, MX819ST, MX822ST, MX850UST, SH940, SH960, SX914, W1500, W7000+, MW523, MW663, MW721, MW817ST, MX600, MX522, MX661, MX618ST, MX720, MX703, MX766, MX722, MX816ST, MX815ST, S30, SH910, SP840, SP920P, W1070, W1080ST, 3D GLASSES - DP2, 3D GLASSES - DC4, 3D GLASSES, 3D GLASSES - DP3, GP10 DVD PLAYER, CEILINGMOUNTCM00G2, MS502, MH680, MW519, MX503, MX505, MX518, MX520, MX522P, MX620ST, MX662, POINTDRAW 3, PW01, QPRESENTER-ANDROID, QPRESENTER-IPHONE, W750, W770ST, W1300, W1400, WDAM2120, WDRT8192, MS517, MS521P, MS619ST, 0.3 WALL MOUNT-WM03G2, 0.3 WALL MOUNT-WM03G3, 0.4 WALL MOUNT-WM04G2, 0.4 WALL MOUNT-WM04G3, 0.6 WALL MOUNT-WM06G2, 0.6 WALL MOUNT-WM06G3, GP3, MW621ST, W7500, SX912, SP870, CEILING MOUNT-CM00G1, EP5920, MP525P, MP575, MP615P, MP776, MP780 ST, MP780ST+, MS510, MS513, MS612ST, MS614, MW516, MW712, MW811ST, MW814ST, MW860USTI, MX501, MX511, MX514, MX613ST, MX615, MX660, MX660P, MX701, MX710, MX711, MX717, MX763, MX764, MX810ST, MX812ST, MX813ST, WIRELESS DONGLE, SP890, SP891, W1060, W1100, W1200, W6000, W7000, W710ST, MX716

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