Can I leave my projector turned on 24/7?

You can leave your Projector on 24/7 if you want to. As long as the projector is operating under normal operating conditions (clean, relatively dust-free environment, and there is sufficient ventilation around projector) the lamp will have the greatest likelihood of lasting through its entire rated lamp life.

Modèles applicables

DX819ST, GP10, GP20, JOYBEE GP2, LW61ST, LX60ST, MS504, MS521, MS616ST, MW767, MW820ST, MW821ST, MW851UST, MW870UST, MX805ST, MX819ST, MX822ST, MX850UST, SH940, SH960, SX914, W1500, W7000+, MW523, MW663, MW721, MW817ST, MX600, MX522, MX661, MX618ST, MX720, MX703, MX766, MX722, MX816ST, MX815ST, S30, SH910, SP840, SP920P, W1070, W1080ST, 3D GLASSES - DP2, 3D GLASSES - DC4, 3D GLASSES, 3D GLASSES - DP3, GP10 DVD PLAYER, CEILINGMOUNTCM00G2, MS502, MH680, MW519, MX503, MX505, MX518, MX520, MX522P, MX620ST, MX662, POINTDRAW 3, PW01, QPRESENTER-ANDROID, QPRESENTER-IPHONE, W750, W770ST, W1300, W1400, WDAM2120, WDRT8192, MS517, MS521P, MS619ST, 0.3 WALL MOUNT-WM03G2, 0.3 WALL MOUNT-WM03G3, 0.4 WALL MOUNT-WM04G2, 0.4 WALL MOUNT-WM04G3, 0.6 WALL MOUNT-WM06G2, 0.6 WALL MOUNT-WM06G3, GP3, MW621ST, W7500, SX912, SP870, CEILING MOUNT-CM00G1, EP5920, MP525P, MP575, MP615P, MP776, MP780 ST, MP780ST+, MS510, MS513, MS612ST, MS614, MW516, MW712, MW811ST, MW814ST, MW860USTI, MX501, MX511, MX514, MX613ST, MX615, MX660, MX660P, MX701, MX710, MX711, MX717, MX763, MX764, MX810ST, MX812ST, MX813ST, WIRELESS DONGLE, SP890, SP891, W1060, W1100, W1200, W6000, W7000, W710ST, MX716

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