Why are some TV boxes unable to display on LCD monitor?

Some LCD models cannot handle the higher refresh rates that some set top boxes put out (Example : Samsung), and some TV boxes do not have the capability to switch from 50Hz to 60Hz. The refresh rate is just around 50Hz. (Example: 49.9Hz) the monitor not display. Typically, the display will function normally only when the refresh rate of the TV box is higher than the LCD.

Modèles applicables

BL2405HT, BL2410PT, BL2411PT, BL2710PT, BL702A, BL912, EW2440L, EW2740L, G615HDPL, GL2023A, GL2250, GL2250HM, GL2250M, GL2450, GL2450HM, GL2450HT, GL2460HM, GL950, GL950A, GL950AM, GL950M, GL951A, GL951AM, GW2245, GW2255, GW2265, GW2265HM, GW2265M, GW2320, GW2450, GW2450HM, GW2460HM, GW2750HM, GW2760, GW2760HM, GW2760HS, PG2401PT, RL2240H, RL2240HE, RL2450HT, RL2455HM, VL2040A, VL2040AZ, VW2230, VW2235, VW2235H, VW2245, VW2245Z, VW2430, VW2430H, XL2411T, XL2420T, XL2420TX, XL2720T, GL955A, VW2230H, CT2200, BL902TM, BL2211TM, XL2720Z, DL2215, BL2211M, RL2450H, BL2400PU, G2220HD, G2222HDL, G2410HD, G2420HDBL, GL2030, GL2055, GL2250TM, GW2250, M2700HD, V2220H, V2420H, XL2420TE, V2200 ECO, V2400 ECO

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